30-Day Intensive

The Intensive

Our intensive is our most effective short-term membership. It delivers rapid and remarkable results and a "brain reset." After just 30 days, you will be functioning at a higher level in daily life and significantly more skilled in applying the EBT method.

Meet five days per week for 45-minute sessions, with each one including in-depth coaching, an intense emotional experience, and skill building. Also, connect with fellow group members through our private, confidential phone system for added support.

With seven other people and a Certified EBT Provider, these sessions are exciting and full of daily insights and "aha" moments. This is a life-changing experience and highly recommended for those who are tired of the status quo and ready for a breakthrough program to accelerate ending stress overload or stress eating and create more joy and vibrancy in their lives.

$699 (one-time fee)

The Intensive

  • A 30-day program, meeting for 45-minutes by teleconferencing, Monday through Friday with a Certified EBT Provider
  • Personalized coaching and support during each session
  • Unlimited messaging to your provider between sessions
  • Private community connections for peer support and inspiration

The Brain Based Health Program

  • The entire Brain Based Health Program
  • Forum boards and drop-in workshops
  • Workshop audio library of over 200 EBT topics

The Brain Based Health app

  • Switch off stress in 1 to 3 minutes
  • Stop overreactions and clear cravings, anytime, anywhere
  • Stay connected to your life’s purpose throughout your day
Questions? Contact our EBT Support Team We are here to help. Monday - Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Pacific Time

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